

Data type used to configure the Groovy Template Engine and/or Context used when preprocessing.


Name Description Required Legal Values
([] indicates the default, if applicable)

If yes, then preprocessed output will be written to a temporary file before passing on to the next filter in the chain, else preprocessed output will be buffered in memory.

This parameter is especially important when processing extremely large files.

No Yes, [No]

If yes and if usetempfile is yes, then the temporary file will be kept after preprocessing. This is generally useful only for debugging problems in a filter chain in lieu of a 'tee' filter.

This parameter has no effect if usetempfile is no.

No Yes, [No]
tempdir Sets the directory used for preprocessor output if usetempfile is true. This directory will be created if it does not exist. No A directory path. [gpp.out]

Sets the id of this configuration so that it can be referenced.

No A legal Ant reference id.

Parameters Specified as Nested Elements


This nested element defines a GppContext which allows you to configure the property binding used when preprocessing.


This nested element defines a GppEngine which allows you to configure the Groovy Template Engine used when preprocessing. This element is intended for future use when and if there are user configurable properties of the Groovy Template Engine.


Note: the following examples assume that GppConfig is being used as an antlib, hence the tasks use the gpp namespace. If not using as an antlib, then simply omit the ':' character and the xmlns attribute.

    <gpp:config id="gppconfig0" xmlns:gpp="antlib:foundrylogic.gpp" >
        <property key="foo" value="bar" />
        <property file="" />
        <tool key="myTool" classname="xyz.MyTool" />



Data type used to configure the Groovy Template Context used when preprocessing.


No parameters are currently supported.

Parameters Specified as Nested Elements


Use this nested element of GppContext to define properties in the Groovy Template Context. 0 or more of these elements may be declared as nested elements of a single GppContext.

Name Description Required Legal Values
([] indicates the default, if applicable)

The key used to store the value of this property

One of these must be set Any string.

The path to a file that contains properties

Any legal path

The value to be stored for this property

Yes Any string

The encoding of a property file

No A legal encoding identifier


Use this nested element of GppContext to define an instance of a user defined class to be placed into the context. 0 or more of these elements may be declared as nested elements of a single GppContext.

Tool class restrictions:

Name Description Required Legal Values
([] indicates the default, if applicable)

The key used to store the value of this property

Yes Any string.

The name of a class

One of these must be specified Fully qualified class name
refid Reference id of a configured data type

A valid reference



Data type used to configure the Groovy Template Engine used when preprocessing. Note that this intended for future when user configurable properties of the Groovy Template Engine exist.


Name Description Required Legal Values
([] indicates the default, if applicable)

Parameters Specified as Nested Elements


Use this nested element of GppEngine to configure the Groovy Template Engine properties. 0 or more of these elements may be declared as nested elements of a single GppEngine.

Name Description Required Legal Values
([] indicates the default, if applicable)

The key used to store the value of this property

One of these must be set Any string.

The path to a file that contains properties

Any legal path

The value to be stored for this property

Yes Any string

The encoding of a property file

No A legal encoding identifier

If yes, then the property will be added, not set. This supports the setting of multi-value properties.

No Yes, [No]