Installing Gpp

Getting Gpp

The Gpp source is available from the SourceForge project web site as both a .zip or as a .tar.gz. Get the latest release from here.

See the section Building Gpp on how to build Gpp from the source code.

System Requirements

Gpp should run virtually anywhere that Ant runs, including including Linux, Cygwin, commercial flavors of Unix such as Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Windows 9x and NT, Novell Netware 6 and MacOS X.

To build and use Gpp, you must have an Ant 1.6.x release installed and ANT_HOME defined. The necessary Groovy libraries are included with Gpp.

Finally, to execute Gpp, you will also need a JDK installed on your system, version 1.4.2 or later.

Installing Gpp

Before Ant 1.6, extensions were installed by copying .jars into $ANT_HOME/lib. Since 1.6, there is a new way to extend Ant using the Antlib convention. Gpp may either be installed as an extension or as an Antlib.

Note: How you will use Gpp in your projects depends on whether you install Gpp as an extension or as an Antlib.

Install Gpp as an Extension (the 'Old Way')

This method is supported by both Ant 1.5 and 1.6 releases, so is currently the safest to use.

  1. Install Ant and define ANT_HOME, if you haven't already
  2. Download and uncompress the Gpp release on your local system.
  3. Change directory to your Gpp installation directory and execute
    	ant deploy
  4. You are now ready to use Gpp in your build files as an extension, so see the section on Using Gpp to see what to do next.

Install Gpp as an Antlib (the 'New Way')

This method is only supported by 1.6 releases.
  1. Install Ant and define ANT_HOME, if you haven't already.
  2. Download and uncompress the Gpp release on your local system.
  3. Add $GPP_HOME/groovytools-ant-x.0.0.jar to your CLASSPATH.
  4. You are now ready to use Gpp in your build files as an Antlib, so go to the section on Using Gpp to see what to do next.

What Gets Installed

The Gpp distribution consists of the following directory layout:

   $Gpp_HOME          // installation directory
   +--- doc           // contains documentation
   |    |
   |    +--- api      // contains Gpp Javadoc API
   |    |
   |    +--- howto    // contains various Gpp howto guides
   |    |
   |    +--- manual   // contains this manual
   +--- example       // contains a simple project demonstrating Gpp
   +--- lib           // contains Gpp and dependent jars
   +--- src           // contains Gpp sources

Building Gpp

Building Gpp from source requires Ant 1.6 or later and JDK 1.4.2 or later.

To build, simply:

  1. Change directory to your Gpp installation directory.
  2. Execute ant build deploy.

Library Dependencies

Gpp depends on the following libraries:

Jar Name Version Available At
  • 1.6.x (to build Gpp and run)
    groovy-all-1.0.jar 1.0

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